Kehinde Ige


28 years old

Flagstaff, USA

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Hi there, My name is Kehinde, Originally from Nigeria, I'm looking to find a life partner who brings a different cultural perspective to my life.I love singing, playing badminton and soccer, and hitting the gym regularly. My ideal match values emotional intelligence, loyalty, and discipline.

One who brings a vibrant, colorful outlook on life. If you're up for deep conversations and shared adventures, let's connect!

I.G- @amazingkheni1

I am looking for

— 18-20
— 21-25
— Relationship

About me

Black / African descent
6,1 ft (185-187 cm)
100+ kg
Academic degree
— English
— Other
No, I am single
Do not drink
Live in a rented apartment
Football (Soccer)

Preferences in partner

— Other
At least one time a week
— Traveling
— Singing
Willing to try