

29 years old

Djemmal, Tunisia

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am a kenyan tanznian guy this means born in kenya with tanzanian parents stayed in kenya till my form 4 level of education .have a come we stay relation with gave a fruit to my life .i have a daughter in kenya bt currently living in tanzania i had to separate with my daughter due to familly dramas .life in tanzania has been soo hard on me ,creating or getting trust worthy friends is realy hard am self employed currently distributing movies door to door to earn my day to day living.am here coz i wana find love some true love to say being really lonely lately i have tried a lote of dating apps bt till now no sutisfying result.i dream of becoming a muscian one day have accaple of songs recorded and some only writen .wish to find someone suppotive and fun coz i skank like crazy i drink only when i have achived anything in my life i value small things like creating house parties inform of a busibess bt lately its not working.am TRUCKY DIZZOH on youtube and this my email truckydizo@gmail.com

I am looking for

— 21-25
— 26-30
— 31-35
— Friendship
— Relationship
— Family

loving and kind lady/woman

About me

— English
Drink on holidays
Yes, we live apart

Preferences in partner

— Clothes
— Photo and video
At least one time a week
— Dancing
— Cooking
— Singing
Willing to try