Amblessed Ndibunwa


25 years old

Kharan, Pakistan

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I am Amblessed Ndibunwa I am 24 years old, I have six siblings three boys including me making it four boys and three girl total we are seven in number and I am the eldest of all. I am six FT talk and chocolate, I am from Nigeria, Anambra state, Aguata LGA. I did primary and secondary school at Amazing Grace Academy in Aba, Abia state. I am a comedian and also a Dj I love music. My job is iron felter but not really I am still an apprentice. Comedy and Dj are things I like to do they are my side skills,
I like good things and also like make friends every where I find my self I have never had a girl but I seriously need a partner, I am not a bad person I use to be very good and king to people, I love swimming, swimming is my hubby. Every member of my family knows how to swim and that mead me choose swimming as my own best exercise.

I am looking for

— 21-25
— 26-30
— 31-35
— 36-40
— 41-50
— 51-60
— Relationship

About me

Black / African descent
6 ft (182-184 cm)
81-90 kg
— English
— Other
No, I am single
No, but I want
Live in a rented apartment

Preferences in partner

— Clothes
— Massage
— Photo and video
— Role-playing game
— Other
On Holidays
— Dancing
— Singing