

41 years old Straight

Leeds, United Kingdom

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I’m looking for a man who’s interested to be my partner in life. Someone whom I can lean on when in times that I need him by my side and never ever let me go whatever circumstances may come along our way. Someone can handle some complicated things or problems and sort it out. A man who is understandable and also a good listener if we have a miscommunication problem. A man who’s capable of loving and treating me right and just lastly, a man who will truly love me for the rest of my life.

I am looking for

— 18-20
— 21-25
— 26-30
— Friendship
— Networking
— Relationship

About me

White / Caucasian
5,9 ft (179-181 cm)
81-90 kg
Academic degree
— English
— French
— Other
No, I am single
No, but I want
Live in a rented apartment

Preferences in partner

— Clothes
— Smell
— Photo and video
— Domination or submission
At least one time a month
— Movies
— Traveling